The future of our customers is built on the experience of our past. Please allow us to be a part of your future.Who should you allow to affect the future of your company’s success? Your success is of the utmost importance to Suburban Construction Company. Your showroom is one of your company’s primary marketing resources. Should you not trust an expert? Suburban Construction has been in business for over 50 years and we have the most experience in the construction of showrooms in High Point. When the managements at the IHFC or MMPI Buildings decide to construct a project, they usually turn to Suburban Construction Company. We have had the good fortune to have been allowed to construct all of the new lobbies in both the IHFC and MMPI buildings, including the latest renovations of the IHFC’s Commerce Lobby.

Suburban Construction Company was selected for IHFC’s Interhall renovations and the Pavilions on Three project. We were here through the additions of IHFC’s additions of the Green and Commerce Wings, and were the designated contractor to upfit the interiors of the Design Center and Hamilton Wings.

We at Suburban Construction Company take great pride in upholding the reputation for craftsmanship and integrity that we have established over the years.

While maintaining our standards of tradition and workmanship, we also embrace and incorporate the innovative concepts and designs of today.



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